Our Story
Ok well first off lets answer everyone's favorite question: What does A&B stand for?
A&B was named for our owners sons, Alex (9) and Ben (12). You'll see them around the restaurants often, usually dressed in their baseball gear after a game, but you might also catch a glimpse of them in their chef coats in the kitchen doing prep with our chef getting ready for a big night!
Founded in 2013 by Thomas Holland, we are a restaurant group that has taken it upon ourselves since then to carry out a very important mission: “redefine guests’ expectations of a casual restaurant.”
That sounds simple enough, right? We learned over the past 8 years that everyone isn’t looking for the same casual restaurant experience that is so common these days. We are working daily to elevate our restaurant from a predictable neighborhood restaurant to one that offers a change from the norm and excites with each visit. A&B Burgers is one of those restaurants, one that has transitioned into a dining scene based around hospitality, creative menus and a space driven by the energy of the bar. Not everyone feels like eating a burger and with that in mind, we built a menu that offers options for those times. We have guests who have been dining with us for 8 years now and have never eaten one of our award-winning burgers, instead, they enjoy sharing a few small plates to start and then order entrees with a bottle of wine. Just because we are so well known for our award-winning burgers doesn’t mean that’s all we do well. You’ll need to come in and experience this for yourselves and we promise you it will be worth it!